نادي بغداد للصحافة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الموقع لفئة الشباب وسواهم ويهتم بتطوير الامكانيات والمهارات في الصحافة والاعلام
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 متابعة للانتخابات المحلية عبر ما نشر في الصحافة العالمية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 4
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/01/2009

متابعة للانتخابات المحلية عبر ما نشر في الصحافة العالمية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: متابعة للانتخابات المحلية عبر ما نشر في الصحافة العالمية   متابعة للانتخابات المحلية عبر ما نشر في الصحافة العالمية I_icon_minitimeالخميس يناير 29, 2009 5:52 am

أهم ما نشرته الصحف والمواقع العالمية عن انتخابات مجالس المحافظات في العراق
[left][left]The most dominating topic in the World Press Headlines are about elections concerning Iraqi affairs an interesting headline says

Iraqis flock to polling stations in test of fledgling democracy

· January;29;Thursday;2009

· BBC News Iraq troops vote in local polls

· Over half a million Iraqis are going to the polls in provincial elections, three days before most of the rest of the country will be voting. The early ballots are for

· Middle East OnlineEarly voting begins in Iraq election
BAGHDAD - Polling stations opened across Iraq on Wednesday in the first stage of the country's landmark provincial election, the nation's first ballot since 2005. About...

· The Miami HeraldShiite parties struggle for power in southern Iraq
NAJAF, Iraq -- In Najaf, the heart of Shiite Muslim Iraq, pedestrians linger on the sidewalks of a busy bazaar, men smoke fruit-flavored shisha tobacco in cafes and a new

· Chicago Sun-TimesGates says more troops for Afghanistan by summer
WASHINGTON---- Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday "we are lost" unless the United States can find a way not to kill so many civilians in the pursuit of militants...

· IRINnewsSYRIA: Iraqi refugees selling some of their food rations
web Photo: Julian Weinberg/IRIN DAMASCUS, 28 January 2009 (IRIN) - Iraqi refugees in Syria are using some of their food rations to pay rent, vary their diet and cover...

· The Australian British ordered to open Iraq war files

LONDON: The British Government was ordered yesterday to release minutes of crucial ministerial meetings from 2003, at which the US-led invasion of Iraq was discussed. The Information Tribunal backed a

· The Times Iraqis flock to polling stations in test of fledgling democracy

Police, firemen and prisoners are among hundreds of thousands of Iraqis casting an early vote today ahead of provincial elections at the weekend that will mark the first test of Iraq's fledgling

· The Miami Herald Military seeks better use of finger, eye scans
WASHINGTON -- On the front lines in Iraq, U.S. troops can scan someone's eye or finger to try to determine if he is a potential enemy or has been connected to a terror attack. At military bases on

· Washington Post - MiddleEast In Iraq's North, Ethnic Strife Flares as Vote Draws Closer

· The Washington Times - WorldStakes big for U.S. in ...

· Dawn – International Greece wants Alexander’s statue in Iraq

· The Ball State Daily, Indiana - Opinion Forum addresses issues of Iraq war (0)

· Liberals Against Terrorism (Weblog) Iraqis Unwilling Or Incapable Of Maintaining U.S. Reconstruction Projects

· Other Headlines

· Iraqi women on the edges of power International Herald Tribune

· Early voting begins in Iraq provincial elections Syracuse

· Lawyer says Iraqi spy suspect fled Saddam's regime Syracuse

· Obama to hear advice of service chiefs on Iraq Syracuse

· Baghdad seeks `normal' footing on unsteady legs Syracuse

· Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East at Saatchi Gallery The Times

· British tribunal orders Iraq minutes released Syracuse

· Iranian opposition group cheers EU legalization Syracuse

· Greece to help Iraq cultural reconstruction Syracuse

· Early voting in Iraq is mostly smooth International Herald Tribune

· Free press and free real estate collide in Iraq International Herald Tribune

· For Iraqi journalists: Free press vs. free land International Herald Tribune

· Baghdad seeks 'normal' footing on unsteady legs Ohio

· Waiting for `normal:' Baghdad flirts with peace but scars fr Star Tribune

· Waiting for 'normal:' Baghdad flirts with peace but scars fr Newsday

· Iraq golden shrine being rebuilt BBC News
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
متابعة للانتخابات المحلية عبر ما نشر في الصحافة العالمية
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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» على ذمة الصحافة العالمية (ملخص صحفي)
» ما ورد في الصحافة حول مستجدات الشأن العراقي
» ابرز ما تناقلته الصحف العالمية

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